About Us

About Company
McKenzie Handling Systems, Inc. Systems will provide the total mechanical and electrical project installation. The Project Manager works with engineering and field services to assure an adequate allocation of departmental resources to the project, and to assure that commitments continue to be met throughout the life of the project.
The installation manager will be kept aware of project direction at each stage of the program. The advice of the Installation Manager will be sought in reference to detailed installation scheduling, work precedence relationships, and advantageous engineering configurations and component selection where design latitude is possible. He will report to the Project Manager and will represent McKenzie at the job site. His primary function is to advise the installation personnel of procedures and methods, interpret drawings and specifications, to monitor installation schedule, workmanship and conformance of the work to specifications.
Mckenzie Profile
- Incorporated in Alabama in 1985
- Family owned, privately held corporation
- 15,000 square foot manufacturing facility
- CNC machine shop with stainless steel fabrication
- Located in Bessemer, Alabama
- General Contractor

Mckenzie Projects
- Hyundai Glass Storage Warehouse
- Honda New Logistics Sequencing Center
- Russell Corporation New Fabric Warehouse
- CVS Distribution Center- Bessemer Warehouse
- ZF Industries World Spare Parts Warehouse
- Daehan Solution New Warehouse
- Nemak Scrap Handling Conveyor Projects
- KTH Parts Storage Flow Racks